Had a fairly restless night with the sound of helicopters, birds and boats on the lake at 8am.  Had breakfast next to the lake and relaxed in a slightly cloudy morning which was good as the temperature was still in the 30s.  Walked around the cactus garden near our campsite and saw a 1.5 metre snake which was a Common Kingsnake which preys on rattlesnakes, so a good thing I guess.  Found a thrift shop which had loads of good quality American clothing at knock down prices, so we bought some T-shirts and belts to save on laundry.  Then Bozena and I went handgun shooting on a gun range.  Its amazing how little evidence and teaching you need to be allowed to shoot.  They had a proper sit down machine gun in the shop for $12,000 - why would you need one?  Then had Panda Express for dinner again as it is healthier than the standard US fare of burgers and fries.  On driving back into the campsite, we saw a lone coyotes and also a road runner bird (meep-meep for those of you who saw the cartoons).  Zoe paddled and floated in the lake again and then wrote up her diary.  I spoke wth one of the campsite hosts who told me the real story behind the London Bridge - the guy bought it for $2.5 million and to ship it and rebuild cost another $5 million.  What most people don't know is that the core of the new bridge is concrete and he only used about 25% of the stone to face the bridge.  He sold the remaining 75% to gravestone makers and sculptors and made back the whole $7.5 million.  Will see if drinking a few beers helps with a good night's sleep tonight.